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Metamorphosis test screening

After the movie’s post-production ended in Germany the producers organized the first test-screening in Budapest at the Mafilm Studios. The Hungarian producer and distributor were satisfied with the positive reaction of the audience. The distributor said the Hungarian premier will be 2 month later than expected earlier; we will inform you in this website. The movie will be screened next time in Cannes, in the Market Screenings section of the festival.

Le Chaman d’ Attila – extrait

Mon père s’appelait Csakó. Il fabriquait des épées et des flèches. C’était un homme aigri.

Je me souviens de lui comme d’un homme corpulent aux mouvements lents. Quand je me remémore sa silhouette, je vois un géant au visage trempé de sueur penché du matin au soir sur son enclume. Il avait un gros défaut. Toute la souplesse qu’il avait en lui, il la transmettait à coups de marteau aux épées et aux sabres qui sortaient de ses mains. C’est sans doute pour cela qu’il fut toute sa vie un être inflexible et obstiné, du moins jusqu’à nos retrouvailles.

Cela expliquait aussi pourquoi il n’était jamais arivé à grandchose, n’ayant d’ailleurs participé qu’à une seule bataille.

Dans mon récit, j’indique les dates à partir de la fondation de la Ville, ainsi tu pourras aisément situer les événements.

En l’an 1127, à l’âge de dix-huit ans à peine, mon père avait accompagné le roi Balamber dans sa campagne contre les Ostrogoths. Après avoir traversé le Don sans descendre de leurs montures, ils passèrent par le détroit de Kertch et pénétrèrent dans la presqu’île de Crimée. Ils remportèrent la bataille. Et quelle victoire ce fut! Au point que le roi des Goths, le fier Ermanric, se donna la mort sans hésiter en se jetant sur son propre sabre. On dit que c’était là une coutume romaine…

Mon père espérait revenir de la guerre riche, propriétaire de vingt chevaux. Mais le Dieu des Huns en décida autrement. Il le rendit infirme et c’est ainsi qu’il le renvoya dans son pays natal. Mon père ne pouvait plus tendre complètement sa jambe gauche à cause d’une blessure de lance. Le Seigneur des Cieux obligeait Csakó, fils d’Uzgon, à demeurer forgeron pour le reste de ses jours. Mais les espoirs qu’il lui avait enlevés en Crimée, il les lui restitua au centuple sous forme d’habileté auprès du soufflet: ses excellentes épées lui valurent l’admiration générale.

Une jeune Hunne aux longues nattes était aussi tombée d’admiration devant lui. Elle s’appelait Rika.

Elle venait musarder jour après jour dans les environs et minauder devant la porte du forgeron. Elle profitait de chaque occasion pour engager la conversation avec cet homme de belle prestance.

C’était ma future mère.

Toldi – szinopszis

Production: GRANTFILM LTD, Hungary
Producer: Dr. Endre Nagy
Writer: John Crome, Tibor Fonyódi, John Arany
Cast: international cast
Genre: feature, drama
Length: 100 minute
Format: 35 mm
Language: English
Shooting: 2006 in Hungary


János Arany is the most prominent figure in Hungarian epic poetry. He lived and worked in the 19th century, and left a major oeuvre. He has the largest vocabulary of any Hungarian author. His Toldi – which is without doubt one of the greatest works of Hungarian literature – has lost nothing of its original value today. Arany translated Shakespeare’s Hamlet into Hungarian.

Toldi is set in Hungary in the second half of the 14th century in the reign of the legendary royal knight Louis the Great. The hero of the epic poem, Miklós Toldi, was a famous knight of the times, whose heroic deeds were much chronicled in verse.
Arany’s Toldi is a trilogy: Toldi, Toldi ‘s Love and Toldi’s Eve. The film rolls the three parts into one, with Toldi’s old age (Toldi’s Eve) forming the basic time frame and events from his life (mainly from Toldi, the first part of the trilogy, and to a lesser extent from Toldi’s Love) appearing as flashbacks.

Toldi has been translated into several languages, including English in 1913.

« Vissza

Oszthatatlan ember – szinopszis

Of Single Mind
Production: GRANTFILM LTD, Hungary
Producer: Dr. Endre Nagy
Writer: Tibor Fonyódi
Cast: international cast
Genre: feature, drama
Length: 95 minute
Format: 35 mm
Language: English
Shooting: 2006 in Hungary

Do we know Béla Bartók? Do we know this artist of significance in the history of universal culture who worked amidst the tragic events of the twentieth century and created something of eternal value?

In the screenplay we show Bartók’s last days in Budapest and his life in New York, making use of documentary sources for the sake of authenticity. Yet our story is not a biography, but the presentation of the Calvary of a colossal personality expressed through the figure of the Maestro. The frame for this structure is provided by a childhood friendship, a relationship which in an ambivalent way follows the course of the Maestro’s emigration.

Following a long and painful period of deliberation, Bartók decides to emigrate, pondering with uncertainty and profound pain on the possibility of returning. However, deep within himself he knows that it is hopeless… his homeland was destined to be dominated by dictatorships, German and then Russian.

[*]The Maestro does not wish to be estranged from Hungary but from his moral conviction and belief he feels, knows and decides that returning is impossible.
It is not his life’s story but fate that we wish to show.
We wish to present a story of human dignity, moral standing and strength as an example for the people of the new millennium.

In the description and later in the film sentences are often uttered by the character of the Maestro that can be accurately traced to written records or sound recordings in Bartók’s legacy. (!)

We wish to convey the “moment” or “series of moments” which makes Bartók’s internal and external emigration, i.e. his unwillingness to collaborate with any dictatorial power, clear to today’s audience.

“Since Béla Bartók emerged, the romantic approach to artists and romantic biography of artists has been eclipsed. Whoever trod the path to hell and heaven with him, whoever lived through all the tribulations of the age with him and learnt from him to believe in the future would take little pleasure in artificially embellished literary imitations of true dramas from life. The powers forming our lives have made it clear that nothing can be more exciting than truth, the world of facts. ”
This is not a biographical film but a story inspired by real life.

Drawing “only from a pure source”, to quote Bartók himself, we should like to show the staggering power and universal truth of Bartók’s life’s work through the figure of the Maestro.

The way he wended, both personally and creatively, was a moral and intellectual Odyssey of modern times, the destiny of eternal man who despite the horrors of destruction wishes to preserve the human-divine values invested in him.
Our story tells of the passion burning in a withdrawn personality.

[*]“Making a portrait of Béla Bartók would be impossible without the inner need to go in quest of and to express the unstylized truth. He himself showed us a real example through his life and his life’s work, a real manifestation of truth and passionately strict objectivity, both universally and at each of its moments.”

Béla Balázs gave his article on Bartók the title Man of Single Mind.

We shall recount the last moments of this man of single mind, this revolutionary artist and academic with a diamond-hard nature.

Myths, half information and political bans have prevented us from getting to know his real fate and character until now.

Yet I am convinced that we ought to know who this man is, the man who could show in his life’s work the universality of culture, and its interdependent, organic continuity.

Through reconstructed scenes and available archive materials, in concert with a focus on the human face, we wish to show the audience the minute oscillations, the most harrowing moments and a few important and genuine episodes expressing the pain of decision.

Silences and the gestures of metacommunication create an extremely strong dramatic fabric through inner cuts and suggestive looks and faces. This can create a mental and emotional catharsis.

This may be the key to the film attracting a large audience.

The planned film is about a man – an authentic Hungarian artist of genuine, universal value even today, called Béla Bartók.

« Vissza

Biography – Trivia

His philosophy on life could be summed up in one sentence: to live and let live. Referring to his fundamentally curious nature, he considers himself a renaissance man. This positive attitude towards life appears regularly in his works, in which he looks upon life as a gift of God, with unwavering optimism.

As a screenplay writer he likes to adapt historical themes. Iron Curtain takes place after the revolution of 1956, during the bloody years of the Communist terror. The Siege of the Sun takes place in the 15th century and tells the life story of the hero János Hunyadi, who took up the sword against the peril and expansion of the Islam. Toldi, which is in pre-production at the moment, is based on a heroic poem and it takes us to the 14th century, to the age of the knight king, Louis the Great.

He’s a lucky man, as his hobby and job are the same. He writes his novels following a comprehensive research. The Cathedral stories take the readers to the times of the Roman Empire. The books matured over many years, while he sat in libraries and studied specialist litarature in the fields of the Roman Empire and the history of black art. His novel, The Power of the Crown, could be regarded as a monograph about the history of the Hungarian crown. The story takes place in the distant future, in an environment similar to that of the Star Wars. He conjures up the events of two thousand years related to the crown from the perspective of this environment (Few know that the crown, which was stowed away in safety from the Russians, was found by American soldiers in July 1945. The relic was taken to the United States, where it was kept in Fort Knox under the greatest secrecy between 1945 and 1978.)

As a founder and chief writer of Mysterious Universe he’s been a regular guest lecturer at national and international Sci-Fi congresses, and member of the jury at competitions related to the field. He’s a founder and lecturer of the annual HUNGAROCON School of Writing. Many of the young amateur writers, who have taken part in the four-day course, are today considered defining creators of Hungarian Sci-Fi literature.

Besides literature, studying occult phenomena has always been his favorite pastime. He wrote his first essays about this field too. He published his writings in the Third Eye esoteric magazine in the early nineties.


Tibor Fonyodi (Harrison Fawcett) was born in Budapest on 2nd June 1965. Writing has been his hobby since he was ten. In the beginning he wrote to entertain himself and his narrow circles. He entered various competitions and school literary contests. Following his studies at the secondary school of engineering he completed his compulsory military service (1985-86). During this time he encountered several paranormal phenomena, which determied his intellectual interest for years to come. He studied theology at the Pazmany Peter University from 1989. It was during these years that he completed his first considerable works in the field of cultural history and occultism. He’s been considered an expert of the field ever since. Following his university years he started to work as a manual worker. He established the stories and synopsyses of his later novels between 1993 and 1998. He came forward as Harrison Fawcett in 1998 with his work entitled Warriors of the Cathedral , a Sci-Fi novel, which takes place in ancient Rome. For the second volume (The Legend of the Cathedral) he won the award for best Sci-Fi novel of the year in 1999. From 1998 onwards he’s written several series of books, he’s been constantly publishing and his novels have run into several editions in Hungary.

He’s been a full-time writer from 2001. As a new step in his successful career as a novelist, his novel, The Scourges of God, based on the life of Attila and the final days of the Hun empire, was published in France by the Parisian Pygmalion publishing company in the spring of 2005 under the title of Le Chamane d’Attila. His career as a screenplay witer began in 2000. He was one of the writers of the American horror movie, Metamorphosis, and he’s one of the creators of the treatment that is the base for the screenplay of the international production, Budapest Rose. Several of his screenplays are in pre-production.

Trivia »

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Le Chaman d’ Attila

Présentation de l’éditeur

Né sur les rives de la Volga, Torda est arraché ŕ sa famille ŕ l’âge de sept ans par un chamane qui connaît ses dons étranges. Celui-ci grandit dans l’enseignement de son maître et découvre qu’il peut ŕ volonté utiliser son corps astral pour se transporter en d’autres lieux ou connaître l’avenir des ętres qu’il rencontre. Ces pouvoirs extraordinaires en font un jour le chamane privilégié et le conseiller politique du tout jeune prince Attila qu’une succession d’événements élčve sur le trône. C’est l’époque oů, trop ŕ l’étroit sur leurs territoires ancestraux, les Huns partent ŕ la conquęte de l’Europe. Bientôt Attila, qui prend le pouvoir supręme et dont la réputation effraie autant les Goths que les empereurs romains d’Orient et d’Occident, les conduit jusqu’en la ville impériale de Byzance, puis en Gaule et aux portes de Rome, en 452. Ce roman foisonnant relate l’épopée avec un grand souci de la vérité historique. Car les Huns, qui firent trembler le monde chrétien, ne furent pas le peuple sanguinaire et redoutable qu’on a prétendu, mais une mosaďque de tribus civilisées. S’ils pratiquaient abondamment la sorcellerie et adoptaient dans leurs combats une conduite sauvage, ils possédaient aussi une culture raffinée. C’est cet ensemble de contrastes et la présence de personnages historiques qui donnent ŕ ce roman des couleurs et un ton d’une extręme originalité.

Biographie de l’auteur »

“J’ai dévoré ce livre qui raconte la vie d’un enfant qui était né, prédestiné par les esprits, ŕ devenir le chamane d’Attila. On le suit ŕ travers les différentes étapes de sa vie des bords de la Volga en passant par la Transylvanie et le Danube… pleines d’événements étranges et de rebondissements…”

Extrait »

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