A Nemzeti Filmintézet Filmszakmai Döntőbizottsága forgatókönyvfejlesztési támogatásban részesítette Fonyódi Tibor legújabb filmtervét. Gróf Bethlen István 1921-től 1931-ig volt Magyarország miniszterelnöke, a Bethlen munkacímű játékfilm ennek a sikerekben és politikai csatározásokban gazdag tíz esztendőnek a krónikája. Alkotók szándéka, hogy gróf Bethlen István emberi nagyságát, morális és erkölcsi tartását bemutatva, a miniszterelnök alakját mintegy példaképül állítsák korunk politikusai számára, s mindezt a nézők számára élvezhető módon. Éppen ezért a Bethlen nem csupán egy reálpolitikus portréja, hiteles korrajz a múlt század húszas éveiről, hanem Bethlen István „az ember”, a családapa és a férj izgalmas portréja is egyben; a történetben a miniszterelnök magánszférája, a szűkebb családi környezet ugyanolyan hangsúlyozottan jelenik meg, mint a korszak izgalmas politikai történései és meghatározó alakjai.
A június elején zajló veszprémi Magyar Mozgókép Fesztiválon Fonyódi Tibor és Tóth Barnabás (rendező) Magyar Mozgókép díjat kapott a Mesterjátszma forgatókönyvéért. A film megtekinthető a Netflixen.
Fonyódi Tibor és Tóth Barnabás a 2023-as miskolci Cinefesten (a közönség-díja)
Written by: Tibor Fonyódi, Jenő Hódi and Allan Katz
CinePartners Entertainment (USA) – Milston Media Group (USA)
Produced: August 2005 (prod: Jenő Hódi, Jenő Hábermann)
Rendező: Jenő Hódi
„Metamorphosis” is a grab on to your seat thriller that takes us on an unforgettable journey exploring life beyond death through a passionate and dangerous love story between a young American writer and a gorgeous and exotic vampire. Through the power of myth, we uncover the lost details of medieval history and the legend of vampires to discover a new reality. Unpredictable and mesmerizing, this film will take us to a space of unknown terror leaving us questioning our own eyes…
TOLDI (2004)
Production: GRANTFILM LTD, Hungary
Producer: Dr. Endre Nagy
Writer: John Crome, Tibor Fonyódi, John Arany
Cast: international cast
Genre: feature, drama
Length: 100 minute
Format: 35 mm
Language: English
Shooting: 2006 in Hungary
János Arany is the most prominent figure in Hungarian epic poetry. He lived and worked in the 19th century, and left a major oeuvre. He has the largest vocabulary of any Hungarian author. His Toldi – which is without doubt one of the greatest works of Hungarian literature – has lost nothing of its original value today. Arany translated Shakespeare’s Hamlet into Hungarian.
Toldi is set in Hungary in the second half of the 14th century in the reign of the legendary royal knight Louis the Great. The hero of the epic poem, Miklós Toldi, was a famous knight of the times, whose heroic deeds were much chronicled in verse.
Arany’s Toldi is a trilogy: Toldi, Toldi ‘s Love and Toldi’s Eve. The film rolls the three parts into one, with Toldi’s old age (Toldi’s Eve) forming the basic time frame and events from his life (mainly from Toldi, the first part of the trilogy, and to a lesser extent from Toldi’s Love) appearing as flashbacks.
Toldi has been translated into several languages, including English in 1913.
(co-writer: János Szani, Tamás Dér)
Sunny Film (prod: János Szani)
The film Budapest Rose is a spectacular, exciting and extraordinary gangster movie, taking place during the Second World War. It’s a story about the strength of love, the futility of hatred and the moral rise of a gangster. The glamorous world of the Budapest Rose nightclub unfolds in the background, blending the most spectacular elements of American and European show business. The blending of cultures and the exotic cacophony reflects the apocalyptic atmosphere of war.
The Mysterious Universe series was created at the beginning of 2000, when the two independently working authors decided to combine their series. The Cathedral novels and the Brett Shaw cycle of Harrison Fawcett, and the York Ketchikan cycle of Anthony Sheenard became the components of the same world. Although they represent the history of mankind in the third millennium with a difference of a few centuries, they form an interrelated and coherent universe.
Thus, a mystic world was born, in which one can find angels, demons, super civilizations and underdeveloped species. Mystery and space travel, spirit gluttons and plasm weapons all get on well together and with weapons that are blood-sucking demonic entities. The history of mankind is not equal to written history: our past is still hiding many secrets. The series endeavors to create a unified framework, in which the history of the Phaeton planet (orbiting between Mars and Jupiter) is intertwined with the legend of Atlantis, and the coming of Christ with the visions of Mohammed. It throws light on the builders of the pyramids, the peculiarity of the Chinese culture, and the disappearance of the Holy Grail… Moreover, it continues the story of mankind providing an end that will change the course of the whole universe.
The series presents all this in an adventurous manner and a playful style.
Several other outstanding Hungarian SF and fantasy writers are about to join the formation of the universe. We are truly confident that the foreign publication of the Mysterious Universe will contribute to the ever shining reputation of SF literature.
My father was called Csakó. He lived his life as an embittered man. Ever since I can remember he had been forging swords and arrowheads.
I remember him as a corpulent man of clumsy movements. Whenever I recall his figure, every time I see a sweaty-faced giant bending above the anvil from morning till night.
My father had a great flaw.
He hammered probably all the flexibility there was in him into the swords and sabers that left his hands one after another. Maybe this was the reason why he remained unyielding and stubborn until we had met again.
He did not achieve much; he went to battle only once…
You asked me, my old friend, to count the dates from the year when the Crucified had been born as this would make it truly clear to you when the remarkable events had taken place…
Well, my father accompanied high king Balamber to his campaign against the Ostrogoths when he was barely eighteen years old in the 374th year after the birth of the Carpenter’s Son.
They made the horses swam across the Don and entered the Crimean Peninsula through the strait of Kerchi. They won. And not just anyhow. They gained such a glorious victory over the Goths that their king, the proud Ermanaric had the face to fall on his sword. It is said that this in vogue in Rome…
My father reckoned he would return home from the war as a rich man, owner of twenty horses. But the god of the Huns decided that another fate would await him: he made my father lame and sent him back to his homeland in that state – my father could never again straighten his left leg because of an unfortunate spear-thrust.
The Lord of Heavens arranged thus that Csakó, son of Uzgon would remain a master blacksmith forever.
However, all the hope that was taken away from him in the Crimea was returned to him abundantly as a talent in his work at the bellows. My father forged fine swords; half of the world marveled at them.
Also a long-braided Hun girl admired him. She was called Rika.
She was loitering and posing in front of the door of the smithy day by day. She seized every opportunity to engage the handsome man in a chat.
In his novel „Scourge of God” Tibor Fonyódi tells the story of Torda the taltosh and his protégée, the greatest chieftain of Huns, Attila. The story is told by Torda who starts his story in the residence of the Hun kings and he continues in Transylvania. After the young Torda learn from an old taltosh how to use his enigmatic abilities he travels to the direction of the sunset to the area of Pilis in the Carpathian Basin. He meets there with the young Attila and goes into the service of the young… Many years later in the shadows of Attila Torda is weaving the strings of the history; the story is focusing around the legendary sword of Attila, and we can learn how a young child to the greatest conqueror of Europe became. In the background of the memoirs of Torda Tibor Fonyódi glimmers the decadent last days of the Roman Empire, the political effort to merge again the broken empire which fails.
The novel first published by Kalandor Publisher in Hungary in 2002. In 2005 it was published in French by Pygmalion under the title „Le Chamane d’Attila”.